This morning, I awakened to a clean house helped by friends who left our party last night. The significance of this allowed me to be present and really reflect on several people who could not attend my birthday/homestead celebration for the reason as given by their own words, depression over the election. You might wonder why I included this in a blog concerning the Green Acres Homestead, but it directly impacts us. Part of the purpose in setting up this business was for providing the healthy products we use and share from our homestead and show the commitment in trying to make a living doing a job that benefits and add to our community and world. Those folks who were kept from attending last night’s party, not from illness, travel, previous engagements, priorities, or simply forgetting, shared with me that they were in a place of dread, loss, isolation, sadness, and in a way, self-conscious that trying to be happy at a party seemed impossible. I shared with friends at my gathering last night, that I wish and hope that we can let in times of celebration and appreciation toward taking care of ourselves but also participating in what is wonderful in this world. It is a motto, I take as a cancer survivor, trying to be true to myself and face a world and individuals living toxic and destructive ways. Our family tries to live this way and as such, our business has it as a part of the mission statement.